Nine-week BirthWorks Class Series

Because BirthWorks is designed to be a comprehensive class, with each week building upon the previous, couples will get the most benefit from the nine-week class. It is optimal for couples to take this class earlier in pregnancy, if possible. If you are interested in BirthWorks for your childbirth education, it is strongly encouraged that you experience the Nine-Week Class Series.

In addition to the topics listed on the Childbirth Education overview page, the Nine-Week class series now also includes a comprehensive introduction to breastfeeding. Topics covered include: Getting breastfeeding off to a good start; How often to feed; How do I know if baby is getting enough?; Pump basics; Missouri breastfeeding laws; anything you have questions on, including myths/old wives’ tales, combination feeding, concerns, etc.

Upcoming Nine-week Class sessions are listed at right.
9 weeks long, 18 total class hours | Small class size | $300 [$50 retainer required]

  • Ideal for any expectant parent (first-timers and those who’ve given birth previously)
  • Ideal for couples who previously experienced a perceived negative birth experience or an unexpected birth experience.
  • Ideal for those planning a VBAC
  • Participants meet each week in a relaxing, casual environment

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