Infant Feeding Classes: Pump Prep

A baby at the breast is best, but pumps are a necessary tool for those who are breastfeeding but will be away from their baby periodically. Based on research gained while exclusively pumping, but designed for any parents planning to regularly pump, Pump Prep is taught by Becca, a Certified Lactation Counselor since 2013.

Topics covered include:

  • choosing an appropriate breastpump for your needs
  • familiarizing with pumps and parts
  • learning tips and comfort measures
  • maximizing pump output
  • introducing a bottle
  • troubleshooting/recognizing common issues early
  • putting together a well-stocked pump bag
  • identifying ways to manage pumping and working, particular to your specific work logistics
  • any questions you have

Cost: $75 private in-home session

Ready to sign up for Pump Prep?

Book your Pump Prep class now:

If you have several people interested in taking a class together and would like to host a group class in your home, please ask about the available Host Discount.

If you have questions first, you can send them to

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